Mink oil is oil that comes from minks. Mink’s had been a focus of scientist’s attention for being the only animal in the world exempt from suffering any kind of skin diseases. Minks have the remarkable ability to regenerate and recover from damaged skin. Even when their skin is 15% damaged from injury, minks have the ability to completely recover its fur back to a healthy state. According to the result of research done by the Lab for Chemistry & Bacteriology in the city of Gent, Belgium, it has been made known that their outstanding ability to heal on its own and their luxurious fur is distinctively related to its nourishing substance stored in its subcutaneous (under the skin) fatty layer of their skin.
Mink oil is extracted from the abdomen area of the minks that are raised in the Mink farms, not from the wild minks. The ingredient of the Minks sebum is closest to that of Humans. Only about 3 to 10 grams can be obtained per mink, make it a very important resource.
The minks belong to the family of weasel and have a size of a cat. In Europe, the minks are called as a Mustela Lutreola and their size is somewhat different from the American minks. The minks are the cleanest animals on earth, and are the only animals without any skin diseases or allergies. The wild minks usually live alone near a river bank, and live in pairs only during the mating season. The minks have litter of four to six, and their life span is about ten years.
Recently, the interests and the trends in the cosmetic industry seems to be focused on natural cosmetics more than ever. The effect of Mink Oil is now widely recognized not only to the experts, but also by the general customers, and now it takes place as the leading cosmetic product in Belgium . For a long time, Mink Oil and Mink soap have played a major role in the Belgium cosmetic industry. Key factors for maintaining the beauty and youth of many people including many key European and Hollywood actresses, and the secret skin care methods for the most Belgium actresses. Mink Oil is the cosmetics product for performing the complete function of beautifying skin.
Legend tells us fur-trapping Indians were the first to discover that the white fat found under the pelts of wild mink seemed to soften their hands . Many years later on ranches where minks were raised for the commercial value of their fur, workers employed to remove the valuable pelts and the layer of white fat from the under sole of the pelts found that the oil melted, merely be handling into a crude oil, but more important, it seemed to soften and soothe their work-roughened hands. Their comments to ranch owners let to years of intensive investigation and research.
One of the most important factors that researchers learned is that certain physical and chemical characteristics of the refined oil of minks, are very similar to those of the human body oils. Making it valuable as natural, organic supplemental oil in skin care products. Mink oil has a high percentage into the skin very rapidly, leaving a velvety touch to the skin, which is never greasy or oily. It works quickly to help soften uneven spots in the skin and helps to prevent fine lines from forming on the surface of the skin.
While acting as a supplement to natural body oils, it acts also as a barrier to help prevent the loss of natural oils. Further tests showed that the stability of the refined oil of minks was much more higher than that of any other animal or vegetable oils, meaning that cosmetic products containing mink oil will stay fresher, and longer than many cosmetics containing other oils.
The mink oil is safe to use and does not produce any unfavorable side effects due to its natural characteristics. The mink oil is immediately absorbed after applying it to the skin, and this kind of fast absorption is possible because it is absorbed through the pores rather than through the epidermis. Especially, the mink oil amazingly spreads in water, and is absorbed deeply into the fifteenth layer of the subcutaneous layer below the dermis moisturizing and nourishing the skin without the stickiness or oiliness. It also has surpassing effects to maintain moisture of the skin for a long time after applying makeup.
Mink Oil is good for 2 years after opening the bottle. At this time, the durability and the quality of the cap & bottle is crucial for the preservation of the product.
The 100% Mink Oil of raw material has a lower quality and price, and the research over long period of time has proved that 99% Mink Oil is the best suitable for human skin. The remaining 1% of the ingredients has much influence on the effect in conformity to the combination.